Brandon Hays Brandon Hays

Redefining “Success”

After my therapy session yesterday I'm thinking a lot about success. I asked if I should just let go of the concepts of success and failure, and my therapist said there's much more power in reclaiming and redefining them, which tracks for me.

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Brandon Hays Brandon Hays

Your “high bar” is wrecking your team

Why are so many companies in our industry fixated on setting and protecting a “high technical bar” when this makes their teams worse by all measures of output, product quality, team diversity, and turnover?

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Brandon Hays Brandon Hays

The Conjoined Triangles of Senior-Level Development

The question of what qualifies as a “Senior Developer” is so malleable that our industry squishes it into whatever shape fits their current needs, confusing and frustrating developers and leaving open a huge vector for bias.

Here’s a rough outline of what we are using to define the role of “Senior” going forward:

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Brandon Hays Brandon Hays

Introspection is a Superpower

People who can introspect recognize the fact that their own biases, distortions, and assumptions sit in between actions and consequences, and they have a dramatic influence over our interpretation of reality.

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